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Wedding Tip #7854 – Make Sure You Bring Your License


           Don’t know if it’s the heat affecting everyone, but as of late, I’ve seen a lot of people forgetting their marriage licenses for their OWN MARRIAGE! It’s not always a biggie – if you are staying in a casino and getting married there and can run back to your room and grab it, great, no big deal. If not, it could cause more of a problem. Not that that isn’t solvable. I’ve had friends “marry” couples before and later, the couple has come back with their marriage license to meet the minister and have them sign it, and get all the paperwork done. So, it might mean an extra trip back to where you were married and who wants to spend time doing that when you just got married and want to spend time together and PARTY!

            I certainly wouldn’t.

            I know the days leading up to the wedding can be stressful, and the day of, you can be nervous. But remember that marriage license. Without it, you aren’t legally married.



© 2022 by Tate Rudolphi
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